Title: Deus Ex: GOTY Edition + Revision Genre: Role-playing – FPP – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Languages: Audio and text: English Features: single-player Released: June 22, 2000 Company: Ion Storm Inc. / Square Enix

About This Game

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS – Do you need even more Deus Ex in your life? Then check out our Mod Spotlight for Deus Ex GOTY Edition. – 40 “Game of the year” awards, “Excellence in Game Design”, and “Game Innovation Spotlight” at the 2000 Game Developers Choice Awards. – Expansive environments, ambitious and non-linear storyline, varied gameplay, and great replayability. – Moody atmosphere, fast-paced action, and an open world. All this accompanied by an award-winning soundtrack.

Video/s from the Game:

Deus Ex: GOTY Edition (c) Ion Storm Inc. / Square Enix In the dystopian future of the year 2052, society slowly spirals into chaos. A lethal virus, the “Gray Death”, ravages the world. The only vaccine, “Ambrosia”, is in such short supply, it is only available to those wealthy enough and deemed “vital to the social order”. With no hope for a cure for the common people, riots occur worldwide and a number of terrorist organizations have formed. More info here: http://www.gog.com/game/deus_ex How to Easily Download & Install

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Size: 3.73 GB Deus Ex: GOTY Edition v1.112fm(revision_1.6.1.0) [GOG] Size: 3.68 GB Deus Ex: GOTY Edition v1.112fm(revision_1.4.0.2) [GOG] Size: 3.87 GB Deus Ex: GOTY Edition v1.112fm(revision_1.5.0.0) [GOG]

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